Index no. 1 - 20 please take note .

Reg. number 1 to 20 please take note of this post . Actually , everybody can take note of this post , as I'm sure that we all need to apply those skills showed in the video :D . So maybe I should just copy and paste the whole thing from JOEY's blog bah .

Dearest students,
Do you remember me? Before your March school holidays started I came to your school for a debating workshop! I enjoyed our first session very much and am looking forward to returning for the second this coming Thursday :)
In preparation for our next session, I would like your help on three items:
Watch a real debate
1. I would like everyone in the class to watch the following debate clip available at
This is the final round of the 2008 World Schools Debating Championship and it is a great example of what debating is all about. It's pretty long, so you don't have to watch the entire clip - try to watch the first two speeches: the first (proposition speaker) at 5:30 minutes into the video clip, and the second (opposition speaker) at 14:25 minutes into the video clip.
Forward this email to the friends in your class
2. Because I do not have the email addresses of everyone in your class, I would like Joey and Jinghui to please help me forward this email to all the members in your class from register number 1 (Audrey) to register number 20 (Nadine). Please CC me in the email so we can keep in contact in future :)
Please email me your class photo :)
3. Lastly, to help me remember your names for the next session, could Joslyn, Joey and Jinghui please help scan in your class photo (the one available in your year book, with your names at the bottom) and email it to me by this Tuesday?
I'm looking forward to our next debate ~
See you Thursday!
Ms Christine
"If you have no idealism when you are young then you must become an intolerable cynic long before you get old."- Lee Kuan Yew 20.3.1964

Okay , so that's what the whole thing is about . So do click on the url to view the video okay ?

Oh , YOUWAI PLEASE CHEER UP OKAY ! You know 2G is always going to be there for you . It's unity plus enthusiasm . Come back to school soon as we miss you D: .

& , are we still having class outing ? D: